IMG 3105
Reedhams & Oasis Tutoring 6

Forum Programme of Events

Our programme of events is designed to provide innovative and inspiring programmes for primary and secondary school children from disadvantaged areas through a range of enrichment activities.

Launch Car Challenge

Launch Car Challenge, with an emphasis on Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths (STEM) is one of our largest outreach initiatives, involving over 600 Year 5 children over an academic year. With 20 teams from 12 different schools, the activity is hosted in our innovative FutureTech building where the students design and produce a car that is launched by compressed air. Their vehicles are raced against the other teams in their group on the day they come to Reed’s. The winning teams from each session are invited back for a Grand Final in the spring term. This programme is supported by the Worshipful Company of Tallow Chandlers.

Fun Olympiad

Our annual Fun Olympiad Day involves around 220 Year 4 children from 7 different schools, with activities including football, cricket, golf and tennis. We provide lunch for all the children involved. For some children this is the first time they have seen such a large green space to play in. Schools enjoy a variety of sporting activities, kindly run by partners such as Surrey County Cricket Club, Chelsea FC Foundation, Betchworth Golf Club and Reed’s Tennis School. They provide a wonderful day where children can embrace the benefit of playing sport and perhaps find a hidden talent. At the end of the session all of the children receive a medal to show that they have participated and had fun.

Lego® Innovation Day

Using Lego® WeDo kits in the Innovation Studio of our FutureTech building, the LEGO® workshop day allows Year 4 children to enjoy a Science and Engineering activity run by a LEGO® Professional Trainer focused on designing and creating a working model leading on to programming the model’s movements as part of a story.

Revision Hacks

‘My Revision Hacks’ is an interactive study skills exhibition that leads students through the perfect home study day. It incorporates and allows participants to try study methods that have been devised to support metacognition and independent learning.

The fully interactive exhibition takes up to 20 Year 5 and 6 pupils through twenty-five study techniques starting with a Healthy Start Challenge and includes techniques to help prioritise, manage time, remember information and ends with tips for a robust nighttime routine.

There are many surprising facts and methods to be explored, from Mind Palace challenges to ‘hacks’ about hydration and wellbeing. The session involves some fun activities and creativity in the wonderful Reed’s Library and hopefully children take away some memorable strategies that they can use throughout their educational journey. 

A Revision Hacks session, followed by a healthy lunch is offered to all our Primary Outreach Forum schools.

Rackets Cubed

Reed’s plays hosts to Rackets Cubed, a UK based charity enabling 20 Year 5 children over a 10 week period to participate in this fantastic programme which aims to enhance the long term achievement of Inner City children.

The children play an hour of racket sports, receive an hour of Education (STEM/maths) followed by a nutritious meal.

The programme’s vision is driven by the increasing evidence that active children have higher school achievement and that nutritious meals improve classroom behaviour.

In the final week of the programme the children participate in a Squash tournament.

Drama Workshops

Drama Workshops for children from primary schools aim to increase their confidence as performers. Usually based around a main production at Reed’s, the primary school children participate in a number of practical workshops. The first workshop develops their use of voice and movement and in the second workshop, they learn how the technical elements of a production are put together and are given an opportunity to operate the lighting and sound equipment. Following the workshops the children perform a short excerpt from the production itself.

Careers Advice

Our comprehensive careers programme offers opportunities to prepare students for the future. These events are open to Local Secondary School students as well as Reed’s students.

Biennial FutureCareers Fair – An evening where the students get a chance to talk to industry experts about their careers and occupations, discuss what they do and the paths they have taken. Around 60 representatives from different occupations, companies and industries are available at the event to talk to students.

Termly FutureCareers Seminars – Subject specific seminars where three or four representatives from industries such as engineering, business etc. at different stages of their careers speak to students about the paths they took to enter those areas.

Annual FutureUni Fair - Old Reedonians (Alumni) who are still at University come and speak to the students about the different courses and life at the universities the attend.

Local State secondary school students from Year 10-13 are invited to attend the FutureCareers Events at Reed’s.

Computer Science and Physics Day

A one-day introductory course for Year 10 and 11 students from partner schools who may be considering studying either Computer Sciences or Physics at A-Level. This is designed for those students who enjoy the subject at GCSE, but think that it would be too difficult at A-Level.

The day gives an introduction to the types of practical work, activities and topics that they can expect to do if they choose to study these subjects at A-Level. There are also presentations from external speakers explaining possible career options available by choosing these subjects.

The Computer Science element is kindly being sponsored by the Exa Foundation.

Taking part in the Forum

If you are interested in registering your school to take part in the Reed’s Forum please register online (insert a link). Once your application has been authorised by the Reed’s Forum team, you will be able to access restricted pages and gain a greater understanding of the Forum activities most appropriate to the needs of your students.

Alternatively, to speak with the team directly please contact us on:

Kathryn Bartram Development & External Relations Director 01932 869025

Erica Westwood, Events & Outreach Manager 01932 869089



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