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ISI Inspections
In our latest ISI Inspection (March 2022) Reed’s were judged ‘excellent’ (the highest grading) in both categories: the quality of the pupils’ academic and other achievements and the quality of pupils’ personal development.
The inspection was led by an extremely experienced team of inspectors and judgements were driven directly from the pupil, parent and staff feedback, lesson observations, work scrutiny and pupil and staff interviews. The inspecting team were rigorous in their approach; in addition to the interviews with around 60 staff, they interviewed over 300 pupils, observed more than 60 lessons, and closely reviewed the parent, pupil, and staff surveys.
It was particularly rewarding to note that our ethos, values, and aims were expressed by all members of the community consistently and enthusiastically. The Reporting Inspector commented that our parent and pupil surveys were amongst the most positive she had ever read.
At Reed’s we are very proud of the results of this inspection because it accurately reflects the ongoing dedication of our staff, the support of our parent body, and, most importantly, the outstanding character of our pupils.
I hope that you will read the ISI Report in its entirety. However, there are some highlights detailed below for ease of reference.
Mark Hoskins, Headmaster
• Pupils respond well to challenging teaching and planning, to teachers’ high expectations of them and the challenges they set themselves.
• Pupils are excellent communicators. They confidently take part in discussions in lessons, assemblies and debates and spoke eloquently to the inspectors.
• Pupils’ outstanding attitudes to learning support their excellent progress and achievement.
• Pupils want to succeed; they are ambitious and love learning.
• Pupils are deeply committed to service to the school and the community, in the tradition of Andrew Reed and the Foundation. Pupils show a keen awareness of and sincere appreciation for non-material aspects of life.
• The success of the pupils beyond the academic curriculum is outstanding. The extensive co-curricular programme enables pupils to flourish outside the classroom.
• Pupils are very proud of their community, and they feel that one of the strengths of Reed’s is the respect they show for each other.