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At Reed’s we appreciate that choosing the right school for your son or daughter is an important decision and the following details provide an overview of the Application Process for entry to Reed’s School.
We hold regular Open Mornings throughout the year and these provide an ideal way to visit the School for the first time. The morning is an opportunity to meet and talk to members of staff as well as experience aspects of school life via a tour with a current pupil, culminating in a presentation by the Headmaster.
It is also possible to visit Reed’s during the school week by attending one of our Visitor Events which are held in the Autumn and Spring Terms. These are recommended for families considering 11+ Entry in 2026, 13+ Entry in 2028 and Sixth Form Entry in 2026. These provide an opportunity for a tour of the School as well as short address from the Headmaster and Q&A over coffee. Please contact the Admissions Office for further details.
The Admissions Process
Prospective pupils are considered for day and boarding places at 11+, 13+ and Sixth Form. There are three main points of entry for boys: First Form (Year 7), Third Form (Year 9), and the Lower Sixth (Year 12). Girls are admitted into the Lower Sixth (Year 12).
Places very occasionally become available in other year groups; please contact the Admissions Office for further details.
Candidates with disabilities
In accordance with the provisions of the Disability Discrimination Act, Reed’s School will seek to treat those candidates with disabilities in the same way as those without. It is important that Reed’s is advised of the nature of any disability before the candidate comes to an assessment so that arrangements can be made to avoid those with disabilities being at any disadvantage.