Reed's In The News

We're recruiting! We need a FRENCH LANGUAGE ASSISTANT to deliver conversational lessons both on a one-to-one basis, and with larger groups of pupils. You'll need to be a native level speaker of French and the role is to help students in the preparation for their speaking exams and develop their cultural knowledge. MORE INFO: click on the vacancies link in our bio Linktree CLOSES: 21/3/2025 @ripleycourt . #jobvacancy #jobvacancy2024 #jobvacancies #languagelearning #languageskills #FrenchSpeakers #frenchspeakingjobs
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10 students from our Third, Fourth and Fifth Forms (Yrs 9,10 & 11) competed in the 'Top of the Bench' Chemistry competition. This involves employing practical and problem solving skills to complete an experiment and Chemistry questions under timed conditions. It was a fantastic morning involving much tussling with tricky puzzles and working with experiments that pupils wouldn't meet in normal lessons. Congrats to year group winners: Cauan, Matthew, Luca and Cam! . #chemistry #topofthebench #problemsolving
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If anyone is interested in news & updates on Sport at Reed's School please follow our new Sports Instagram account @reeds_sport Covering Cricket, Hockey, Rugby, Netball, Tennis, Golf, Ski Racing, Swimming and more... Old Reedonians, Reed's School #sportsnews
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Third Form pupils enjoyed visiting Bletchley Park, delving into the incredible work of Alan Turing and the many brilliant minds who contributed to WWII in such a profound way. They engaged in exciting hands-on workshops learning how to break their own ciphers, a challenging and enlightening task. A guided tour taught the boys about the challenges faced by the codebreakers, how their work helped shorten the war, and how their achievements remained a secret for many years. A memorable and insightful visit providing our pupils with a greater respect for the role of code-breaking and Maths in modern history. . #bletchleypark #AlanTuring #codeciphers #wwiihistory
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