Academic Progress
Academic performance at Reed’s has risen significantly in the last fifteen years. We believe in small sets in core subjects up to GCSE to allow boys to develop at appropriately different paces. Assessment and monitoring strategies allow us to fully track a pupil’s progress and push each to their potential.
Assistance is provided freely in every subject beyond the timetable by both teachers and Sixth Formers. ‘Clinics’ and ‘surgeries’ operate throughout the year, not just as examinations approach, and teachers share ideas on a regular basis. ‘Golden Lessons’ operate frequently where every teacher is encouraged to trial new approaches - pupils embrace this and are stimulated to try new ideas and tactics themselves.
Pupils’ academic, pastoral and co-curricular progress is monitored closely by a committed team of Tutors and Heads of Houses with the aim of identifying any pupil who is not making the progress of which they are capable.
There is regular communication with parents should a problem arise. Parents are fully informed of the academic progress of their child. Assessment grades are reported half termly for both academic achievement and effort attainment in all year groups. Full progress reports are provided to parents each term through either a written report or a Parents’ Evening. In addition, tutors are encouraged to keep in regular contact with parents throughout the term in order to ensure parents are aware of any successes or concerns as soon as possible. Feedback on significant prep and assessed work is given on Firefly, the school’s intranet, and this is visible to parents as well as pupils.
Written reports include teachers’ judgements on both attainment and effort as well as comments on the pupil’s successes and any concerns, along with a target action for the next term. From the Fourth Form onwards, the attainment grade is based on assessed work which has been set at the standard of the examination course being followed (usually GCSE or A Level) and a target grade for the pupil is suggested. The Tutor, Heads of Houses and Headmaster all comment on a pupil’s progress in all aspects of school life.
In all year groups from First Form (Year 7) upwards there is at least one Parents’ Evening per year where parents have the opportunity to speak to their child’s subject Teachers, Tutors and Housemasters about their progress. From the middle of the Third Form (Year 9) onwards, pupils attend these evenings with their parents, and are asked to reflect on the feedback given to them.
In the Third Form (Year 9) there is an Options Evening to help pupils make decisions on their subject choices for GCSE/IGCSEs. During this event taster lessons are run in each subject area which pupils (and their parents) are able to attend to give them an idea of the subject content for GCSE/IGCSEs. A similar Options Evening with taster lessons operates in the Fifth Form (Year 11) for A Level choices; this is aimed at both current and prospective pupils.
Various other information evenings are held for parents throughout the year to provide guidance and support in relevant topic areas.