Black Lives Matter & Racism
At Reed’s we consider racism to be a moral, not a political, issue. We want to act by evolving our community to discuss, share and listen to views and concerns from both pupils and staff.
In the spirit of the approach of our Founder Andrew Reed’s aims to address and ameliorate the inequalities he saw around him, this stance stands as our undertaking to continually evolve and improve the school community. A short film was made containing contributions from our staff and student body to identify our support against racial injustice and inequality. This reflects the actions we have taken in and around our community as well as the thoughts of the individuals who are part of it: students, staff, parents and ORs.
Here are a few snippets from the longer comments contained in the film:
"My Reed’s experience has generally been a very good one. I made friends quickly and wasn't judged on my skin colour/ethnicity and I am so appreciative and grateful that this much equality is present at Reed’s"
"It’s being in the position to actually make a change which is why i intend to go into government or social law when I’m older"
"I believe that as a vastly privileged community, it is imperative that we engage in a deeper self-reflection and look to research into all forms of racial divide and oppression"
"Sometimes I wonder what would happen if one day we woke up and all the white people were black and all the black people were white"
"It is vital that to ensure that casual racism and racist stereotypes are not passed down to future generations, we educate young people on the importance of acceptance and diversity, and the dangers of discrimination"
"As a white person I am fully aware that I will never understand the discrimination that people of colour face, however that does not mean I am going to stay silent on issues regarding race"