The Reed's Community
Second Form
Casper attended Parkside School, a local prep school for boys, before he started at Reed’s in the First Form (Year 7). He has two older brothers who are in the Fifth Form (Year 11) and the Upper Sixth (Year 13) at Reed's.
Why did you decide to come to Reed’s?
I decided to come to Reed’s because when I visited I got a real sense of community which made me feel at home. I also really like the amazing sport facilities.
Which lessons do you enjoy the most and why?
I really enjoy history as there’s so many topics to learn about and the teachers are very enthusiastic. I also enjoy English because I like creative writing and exploring my imagination.
Was it easy to settle in and make new friends when you arrived?
When I arrived I was the only one coming in from my old school and this forced me to chat to other boys and get to know them, it was quite easy to make friends as everyone was very kind.
What co-curricular activities have you taken part in?
I’ve taken part in golf and tennis, I particularly like to play tennis as I want to improve my skills. I also take singing lessons and am part of the School Choir which is a lot of fun as sometimes we get to sing with 150 people! The Christmas Carol service was fantastic.
What is your favourite thing about Reed’s?
I love the house competitions! From academic challenges to sports (tug of war, house hockey) and the Close House Music Competition, it’s a lot of fun competing while being with my friends.
What advice would you give to a boy who is joining the First Form in September?
Get stuck in, in co-curricular and lessons, the teachers will be there for you and will support you. Also don’t be shy and try to get to know as many boys as you can as you will find your new friends amongst them!