The Reed's Community
Upper Sixth Form
Ruby joined Reed’s from Surbiton High School where she had been since Year 3. She joined Reed’s as an Art Scholar and was awarded an Academic Scholarship at the end of the Lower Sixth Form. Ruby knew Reed’s would be the right school for her, having attended her first Open Morning here at the age of 13! She is studying English Literature, Media Studies and Fine Art at A Level.
Why did you decide to come to Reed's?
I had heard so many exciting things about Reed’s from current and past students, many of whom were family friends. They all spoke so highly about the students, school, the teachers and the atmosphere at Reed’s. They were also excellent examples of Reed’s students; polite, kind, good manners, confident and overall just approachable friendly boys and girls. I was aware that the school teaches its students to be kind and considerate people and I knew that this was the right school for me. The school genuinely cares for their students' well-being and futures and it has been highly rewarding to experience this first hand. The boys I knew at Reed’s or who had recently left Reed’s were some of the nicest, most respectful boys I’d met. From the example they set and how highly they spoke about their school I knew that this was the school where I would receive the type of school experience every child should have.
Did you feel you made friends easily with the other new girls when you first started?
Yes, although I was joining with a few girls from my previous school it was easy making friends with the other girls because we were all in the same situation. Being slightly out of our comfort zones joining Reed’s and having this in common made it so much easier approaching everyone. Every girl that joined with me was there for the same reason and was full of excitement about starting the Sixth Form. We were all keen to get to know each other and navigate the school together.
Was it difficult fitting in with the boys who were already at Reed’s?
I was expecting a divide between the girls and boys when I first joined, however, on the first induction day a boy came over to a group of us girls, introduced himself and asked if we wanted to come over and meet his friends. It helped that all the boys were aware of how hard it can be joining a new school, especially a boys school, so they did their best at making us feel comfortable and a part of the school.
I found that all the boys were incredibly respectful and polite, willing to welcome girls into their long friendships and open their friendships to all of us. They were incredibly helpful and considerate, it was so reassuring as a new girl to see how welcoming and kind these boys were. Within the first week I recognised that this compassion ran throughout the years at Reed’s, every boy I had an interaction with was kind and polite. I had never met such well bought up young men!
I asked some of the boys about how the Introduction of girls worked for them, and they felt that the Sixth Form was a new experience for them too and we were all in it together.
What would you say is your favourite moment so far during your time at Reed's?
The Capel Blathwayt Charity Revue. It was my first event as Capel House Captain and I was able to work with the different teachers and students across my own house, as well as within Blathwayt, that I hadn’t worked with before. We all felt comfortable working together - a great example of the sense of community at Reed’s.
It was amazing being able to work as one massive team collaborating with the other Houses rather than competing for a good cause. Charity is very important in the ethos of Reed’s – they want each student to make a positive contribution to other people and to people outside of school.
Reed’s is a Foundation School and this encourages the compassion and generosity of the students to put in so much time and effort into raising money for charity. So not only was it really fun being a part of and leading, but it was also something that was done for a good cause.
Reed’s is very good at making their students feel seen and special. The Charity Revue is a way of showcasing the huge talent at the school. On the sports pitches, in the music rooms and in the classroom Reed’s makes sure that all their students’ talents are being seen and valued.
Do you think the co-curricular experience at Reed's has benefited you?
Definitely! It proved to me that Reed’s is the type of place where you will never get turned away or rejected, every avenue you choose to explore will happily welcome you. It’s a very inclusive and welcoming environment.
Reed’s has so many co-curricular opportunities; in just one year here I’ve sung in St. Marks Cathedral, Venice, in front of hundreds of people; I’ve learnt how to ski in Austria; I’ve helped create a student publication article; I’ve helped set up a neurodiversity committee and I’ve been given the opportunity to improve my public speaking skills and confidence at the Toastmasters Club.
However, being a part of the Choir is what stands out to me most. I have never been musically inclined or have any musical ability, but it had always intrigued me - it looked like fun but I didn’t feel I could join without any experience. On my induction day I met the Director of Music, Mr Willey, and his enthusiasm for music was so infectious I asked if I could be in the Choir - he said yes! Since then I have sung at Guilford Cathedral, King’s Place and St. Mark’s Cathedral in Venice. It has been such a rewarding experience for me, I was welcomed without having any musical experience and have loved every minute of it.
What advice would you give to a girl who is about to join Reed's?
Get involved! You are here for such a short amount of time, and it will pass very quickly so it’s important to make the most out of every day. Go for every opportunity that presents itself as you will never be turned away and you are guaranteed to enjoy yourself. It is such a privilege to attend this school - I encourage every new girl to make the most out of the opportunities offered.
Don’t forget the network you have at Reed’s - being a new girl can be intimidating and challenging but the Upper Sixth girls, the staff and your peers will be on hand to comfort and support you through the experience of starting a new school. If you are ever nervous or have questions reach out because help is always available at Reed’s!