Starting a new school can be a daunting prospect, so our Head of Sixth Form Girls answers some FAQs. If you have any other questions which aren’t covered here please contact the Admissions Team
1. How will I fit in with the other girls?
As every girl is new this will be easier than you think, even if you have come from a school further afield or are the only girl coming from your previous school. After Entry Test Day you will recognise faces at the Sixth Form Garden Party, which is an introduction to life in the Sixth Form, where you have a chance to speak to your Tutor, Heads of Year, Heads of Departments, the Head of Sixth Form Girls and the Head of Sixth Form. You will also be addressed by the Headmaster and the Sixth Form Management Team. The girls who will be in the Upper Sixth when you are in the Lower Sixth will introduce you to other students joining Reed’s, as well as the current Fifth Form boys when they arrive. The first 45 minutes is solely for new students to give you a chance to mingle and ask questions about what your experience will be like. We also buddy new girls with current girls so there is someone to turn to who will keep a close eye on your integration and look after you.
2. Is there an induction for girls?
Our Induction for incoming girls includes two full days of activities so by the end of this all the girls will have made friends, bonded and feel integrated. Activities include team-building exercises; a treasure hunt around the school so girls know where everything is; the opportunity to find out tips of the trade from the Upper Sixth girls in order to negotiate A Levels, new subjects and new teachers; talks from the Head of Sixth Form and Head of Sixth Form Girls; the opportunity to ask questions without fear of embarrassment and, finally, a chance to make your impression on the Sixth Form Management Team, literally, in an afternoon of paintballing. This is followed by whole Lower Sixth Induction Days as the new term starts to build team spirit and cohesion within Tutor Groups.
3. Will I struggle in comparison with the boys as they have had the same teachers throughout Reed’s?
You’ll find the teachers are very forgiving and they understand that you have come from a variety of schools with different approaches. They will give you clear advice on how to improve and support you – open a dialogue early on with your teachers and ensure you use them as a base from which to progress. Because Reed’s is welcoming, warm and friendly any difference soon disappears and what remains is complementary – girls are always in our top academic performers at the end of A Levels. Also remember that lots of the subjects in the Sixth Form are new to everyone and this is a great leveller.
4. What will it be like having boys in class, in the Sixth Form House and generally around?
The first two weeks in the Sixth Form is very exciting for all – remember the boys are in the same boat in that they’ve never had girls around before either; in fact some of you coming from co-educational schools will have an advantage. However, the fever soon settles as work mounts and the focus becomes a healthy balance of work, sport and social. You will leave Reed’s with lifelong friends – boys and girls – which is far better than a romantic relationship that could go wrong and affect your enjoyment of school; the best advice I can give you is to make lots of friends and throw yourself into everything on offer, from charity to sport to activities to trips to drama and music productions, and then you’ll have the best two years of your life.