Preparing us for the future at ‘The Intelligence Revolution’ presentation


A key role for us all is to prepare our children for the future - the presentation on Wednesday evening by current parent and Futurologist, David Smith, was fascinating and terrifying in equal measures!

Around 130 current and incoming parents heard David tell how, over the next decade, the future of work will be shaped by a completely new force: ‘The Intelligence Revolution’. 

Driven not by automation in manufacturing processes (like the Industrial Revolution) but by exponential changes in technology, augmented intelligence (AI), machine learning, virtually free data storage and ever-increasing computational power that will cut across all industries and professions. 

To put this into context:

• 65% of children aged six will end up working in jobs that currently don’t exist.

• How we acquire knowledge and skills will fundamentally change, hard skills will have a reduced ‘half-life,’ sharpening the focus on soft skills and continuous learning opportunities beyond the length of current university degrees.

• Linear patterns in life – from school to university to work then retire are being replaced by increasingly cyclical patterns which will happen concurrently or in cycles that repeat themselves. 

Thus, those providing education and learning solutions face an increasing challenge in predicting what services will be in demand in the future. However, David gave examples of some of the key skills that our children will need to possess to be part of this ‘Intelligence Revolution’, namely:

  • Critical thinking & problem-solving
  • Collaboration across networks & leading by influence
  •  Agility and adaptability
  • Initiative and entrepreneurialism
  • Effective oral and written communication
  • Accessing and analysing information
  • Curiosity and imagination

Remarkably, the aims and ambitions of Reed’s are almost identically matched to this list; combined with our FUTUREEDS strategy we believe this gives us a head-start in preparing them for the future.

 “We really enjoyed the reception and talk last night and we are very impressed with the FUTUREEDS mindset. A truly thought-provoking evening.”  (Incoming First Form Parent).

Kathryn Bartram, Development & Marketing Director


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