Reed's In The News

The half term ended on a high with an incredible Junior Production, 'The SpongeBob Musical', featuring a cast, band and crew of nearly 40 pupils! It was an exuberant and polished performance from our three youngest year groups. An independent reviewer from the National School Theatre Awards attended one of the performances and some highlights from their glowing review are: "The production was a testament to the students' unwavering commitment, theatrical ingenuity, and creative enthusiasm." "The evening was a celebration of youthful creativity, theatrical passion, and ensemble collaboration". "The supporting cast members demonstrated a deep engagement with their roles, ensuring that even the briefest character appearances contributed meaningfully to the overall production." Follow @reeds_drama for more posts from our incredible Drama dept. #musicaltheatre #spongebob #spongebobsquarepants #spongebobmusical
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Upper Sixth English students spent a day at The Globe Theatre to immerse themselves in their A Level text, Antony & Cleopatra. A tour of the stage gave an insight into the importance of staging and how it was intentionally incorporated by Shakespeare when devising the play, exploring how the action appears to an audience. In one of the rehearsal studios the students enjoyed activities with focus on the rhythm of the poetry and language used, with particular emphasis on iambic pentameter and how this often changes the meaning of the dialogue from what’s written on the page. The students really benefitted from a perspective shift to looking at the text from the point of view of an actor, which they can use to broaden analysis in their essays. . #GlobeTheatre #shakespeare #AntonyAndCleopatra #iampicpentameter #alevelenglish
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It was an evening characterised by tremendous teamwork and skilful oratory when 8 of our L6 students took part in an Interschool Historical Debate @lordwandsworth. The debates demanded sophisticated articulation and historical knowledge and required students to consider wide historical perspectives. Topics ranged from ‘Napoleon was a greater military general than Caesar’ to 'What was the greatest speech of all time?' The Reed's team were narrowly pipped to the post in the last 3-way debate but they should be incredibly proud of their skilful arguments! . #debating #historydebate #interschoolcompetition
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Head of Middle School Boarding, Mr Rockett, recently delivered an address at the Boarding Schools Association's Annual Boarding Conference in Nottingham. His topic: "the boarding O-zone" focused on life in Middle School Boarding (Yrs 9-11), in particular, the development of boarders' practical life skills. The conference title "Learning Within, Leading Beyond" placed Reed's School front and centre in the national call to develop such skills in our pupils based on Mr Rockett's Masters research and Life Skills modules in School House. . #iloveboarding #boardingschoollife #BoardingSchool @bsaboarding
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Reed's students performed exceptionally well in the prestigious Cambridge Union Schools Debating Competition. This was an incredible opportunity to showcase our debating skills against top schools from across the Southeast. The competition featured four challenging debates, each testing critical thinking and eloquence and was an enriching experience, offering valuable insights into diverse perspective and honing public speaking skills! Results: This House Would Allow Fans to Veto Player Management Decisions by Sports Clubs: Reed's A - 3rd place Reed's B - 3rd place This House Regrets the Glorification of Luigi Mangioni's Actions: Reed's A - 2nd place Reed's B - 4th place This House Prefers a World Where There Has Always Been One Single Dominant Religion: Reed's A - 3rd place Reed's B - 3rd place #debating #criticalthinking #eloquence #publicspeaking
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Well done to the Reed’s Chess Team who won the first knockout playoff in the regional round of the ECF School Championships! After making it through to the regional round in December, the first playoff was against St John’s the Baptist school. Joe I, William F, Bevan K, Nate D, Luke F and Edo Zi played some nail biting games, winning on 2 boards, losing on two 2, drawing on one board until finally all eyes were on Edo’s game, which after an hour and 20 mins play was down to the wire. Edo eventually won taking our wins to 3 and moving us into the next match of the regional round!. . #chess #ECF #schoolchess #downtothewire
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