Reed's In The News

IT’S FINALLY LIVE! At 4pm this afternoon we held a fantastic event to launch the release of ‘Blessed Saviour’ the song recorded at Abbey Road Studios involving many of our incredible musicians and Old Reedonians. This song is based upon our Founder’s Prayer which all pupils learn when they start at the school, and it bridges the gap between its inception in the early 1800s and today’s modern world. The idea stemmed from finding a way to celebrating 150 years since the Old Reedonian community began in a formal way. We are so proud of the result and hope you will join us in streaming, downloading and sharing the song, Let’s get ‘Blessed Saviour’ in the charts!! Check out the BLESSSED SAVIOUR links in our bio Linktree to watch the video and download/stream the song. #blessedsaviour #newrelease #celebrations #abbeyroadstudios
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👀Intrigued by this post?? Exciting things happening @ReedsSchool later today! 🎶🎤🎹🎼 Stay tuned to find out more... #150years #celebrations #comingsoon
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Why are some of our pupils posing in a recording studio with some of our fabulous @reedsalumni? All will be revealed tomorrow (Fri 31/1) out for updates! #excitingnews #somethingspecial #comingsoon
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In this week's PODCAST Mr Hoskins, Mr Ha, and Dr Smith get between the brushstrokes of Reed’s fabulously eclectic Art department. We speak to Mr Farmer (Head of Art), Mr Cole (Head of Graphics, Photography & Printing), and two Reed’s Art Scholars, Chloe J and Oliver DV. Our guests share stories of their early passions for the visual arts, their current projects, and their future ambitions. Join us for another funny and fascinating conversation on REED'S BETWEEN THE LINES! To listen please click on the Podcasts link within our Bio LinkTree. #podcast #reedsbetweenthelines #artdepartment #artscholars
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To support their Sculpture projects 4th Form GCSE artists visited Tate Britain to study their sculptures up close and draw from observation. Next stop was Sculpture in the City open air exhibition, a curated collection of works dotted around the City of London. The pupils now have a lot of new artists and ideas to research! . #tatebritain #sculpture #sculptureinthecity #inspiration #gcseart
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Seven Lower Sixth students competed in the Ethics Cup regional round at Caterham School recently. The team had excelled under pressure in the previous round to earn their place in the regional final. After winning thier first matches against 2 strong schools they defeated Christ's Hospital in the semi-finals. The tense final against Caterham saw the best scores of the day, with Reed’s narrowly missing out on a chance in the national final by one vote. The team should be incredibly proud of a day characterised by tremendous success exploring relevant and contemporary ethical dilemmas putting forward persuasive arguments. . #ethics #ethicsandmorals #ethicscup
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